Yama (Limb 1)
Yama: First of Eight Limbs of Yoga
ahiṃsā-satyāsteya-brahmacaryāparigrahā yamāḥ
ahiṃsā= not harming, interfering with harm
satya = truth, facts
asteya = not stealing
brahmacarya = respect of personal boundaries
aparigrahā = not being acquisitive
yamāḥ = loss of control to self, self-control
Yama is disrupting systemic harm, to participate in facts of people not being deprived of what they need, personal boundaries respected and no appropriation.
jāti-deśa-kāla-samayānavacchinnāḥ sārva-bhaumā mahāvratam
jāti = birth, social group that one is born into
deśa = country, location, region
kāla = time
samaya = customs, conventions
anavacchinnāḥ = not constrained by, irrespective of
sārva = all
bhaumā = relating to the world
mahā = great
vratam = command, law, ordinance, rule, vow
This Great Duty (Yama) is to be followed throughout the world, irrespective of station at birth, country or place, time or custom.
(YS II.30-31)
Translation by Dr. Shyam Ranganathan. All Rights Reserved.
The limbs of yoga are all of the implementations of the practice. And they are also described by Patañjali as upāya or remedy for flagging practice (YS II.26).
This first limb is something of an exception to the seemingly optional nature of the limbs as Patañjali describes it as a universal obligation. Why? The first limb, Yama, is concerned with the creation of a safe space for people. A failure to create such a safe space would render the practice of Yoga impossible.
To learn more about the Limbs of Yoga directly concerned with the practice of Yoga, join Yoga Philosophy's entry level course designed for students of Yoga: Five Limbs: Yoga Sūtra Essentials for Practice.